Hymne National Voltaïque

The Hymne Nationale Voltaïque was the national anthem of Upper Volta from 1960 until 1984, when the country's name was changed to Burkina Faso, and the existing anthem Une Seule Nuit was adopted.

Both the words and music by were Robert Ouedraogo.

French Lyrics

"Fière Volta de mes aieux,

Ton soleil ardent et glorieux

Te revêt d'or et de fierté

Ô Reine drapée de loyauté !


Nous te ferons et plus forte, et plus belle

A ton amour nous resterons fidèles

Et nos coeurs vibrant de fierté

Acclameront ta beauté

Vers l'horizon lève les yeux

Frémis aux accents tumultueux

De tes fiers enfants tous dressés

Promesses d'avenir caressées


Le travail de ton sol brûlant

Sans fin trempera les cœurs ardents,

Et les vertus de tes enfants

Le ceindront d'un diadème triomphant.


Que Dieu te garde en sa bonté,

Que du bonheur de ton sol aimé,

L'Amour des frères soit la clé,

Honneur, Unité et Liberté."

English translation

Proud Volta of my forefathers,

Thy glorious burning sun

Clothes thee in golden light,

O Queen draped in loyalty.


We will make thee stronger and more beautiful,

We will stay faithful of thy love,

And our hearts, beating with pride,

Will acclaim thy beauty.

Raise thine eyes towards the future

Vibrating with tumultuous voices

Of thy proud children, standing ready,

The promise of a happy future.


The toil on thy burning soil

Will never cease to brace the fervent hearts,

And the virtues of thy children

Will circle it with a triumphal crown.


May God protect thee in His goodness;

For the happiness of thy beloved land,

May brotherly love be the key

And honour, unity and liberty.